Collective Worship

The daily rhythm of prayer and worship at St Margaret’s forms the ‘beating heart’ of our school. We come together daily, either in classes or key stages to recognise and celebrate the presence of God in our lives.

Each day begins with class prayer time, followed by prayers before and after lunch and at the end of our school day. As well as these occasions, we have a variety of Collective Worship opportunities throughout the week where children and staff have the chance to prepare and lead worship, as well as share their own experiences with pupils. These events, along with a structured calendar of more formal celebrations such as Mass, are carefully woven into the life of the school.

The prayer life of the school takes many forms including some of the traditional prayers of the Church, individual prayers, silent prayer and reflection and praying through song. This practice, we believe both nurtures and deepens the relationship between each individual and God.


Section 48 Inspection 2018

“Prayer forms an important part of the daily life of the school.  Pupils engage in prayer and collective worship readily and with reverence.